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Joined: 04/18/2015 Posts: 3726
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He has to take that open shot to force them to collapse.

(In response to this post by Femoyer Hokie)

Posted: 02/12/2022 at 6:34PM


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Current Thread:
So, is Mutts our best option in the middle of the zone? ** -- Femoyer Hokie 02/12/2022 6:33PM
  Aluma is because he can hit the jump shot ** -- LakeMontHokie 02/12/2022 6:35PM
  Or put the ball on the floor and drive ** -- Femoyer Hokie 02/12/2022 6:36PM
  Well good question -- Vippie1 02/12/2022 6:34PM
  No Cattoor is cause he can hit that FT line shot. ** -- PennaHokie 02/12/2022 6:34PM

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